So it's finally Christmas in America :P
But yesterday, I had a big day of Dim Sum and Blackjack. I practiced it for hours and hours haha
I think I improved a little. I had a little vision
maybe I could do blackjack in Sweden instead of working haha
Of course only if I get good at it.
I've been hungry tonight! Not sure why..
I got a few gift cards for Christmas so far. I got 3 gift cards:
one from macy's, el pollo loco, and IHOP.
I'm probably going to use those gift cards for lunch or something when I'm back at school
Today, my mom wants to have a Christmas BBQ or something, so that should be yummy!
I can't wait to eat the yummy foods, and practice blackjack
I feel like I got to get back to Swedish. But practicing blackjack for long hours is
helping me build grit and endurance when I'm working. I like it :)
Anyway I got to get to bed now.
I hope you have a great day and do fun things :)
I love you Hanna :* <3
Hope to skype with you soon!
I'll try to be on in the afternoon :) Message me on facebook about it :)
bed time :p |