Monday, December 29, 2014

I am bored babe...

I am at my Uncle's place and I am just playing my ukulele trying to pick faster. 
I don't know if I can go out because I dont have the keys to the apartment. 
I am starting to get hungry.. This coud be dangerous.. haha 
Good thing there is some food in the fridge.
 I have instagram now so add me! I am: Daveyzombie :p 
I love reading your letters everyday it sure helps 
me feel a little more connected to you. :)
You are truly the greatest girlfriend ever <3
I hope you know that :* :*

Some pictures from when I am bored around the house
and your letters <3<3

Awesome letters from you <3

little selfie ahha.

window view :)

window view :))

the hallway of a little apartment :)

I hope you dont mind that I didn't post the game up. I wasnt able to prepare it :P
That's for another day hehe ;)

Santa Clause Came to town!!!

So after spending my day in town with Lykke, her bf and his sister at Rost I checked the mailbox just because...
And there lies, not only one, but TWO nice packages addressed to David Sanjenis from England which I realized must have been for me!!! So I could not keep myself from opening it and I documented my discoveries:

 Excited about my gifts....
 What could it be......

WOW!!! Really? hehehehe


You are AWESOME!!! Such great gifts hunnie... 

Thank you so so so much for the gifts hunnie!!! Supercool! I love you <3

Let's have game nights when we come back home again! <3