Monday, December 29, 2014

I am bored babe...

I am at my Uncle's place and I am just playing my ukulele trying to pick faster. 
I don't know if I can go out because I dont have the keys to the apartment. 
I am starting to get hungry.. This coud be dangerous.. haha 
Good thing there is some food in the fridge.
 I have instagram now so add me! I am: Daveyzombie :p 
I love reading your letters everyday it sure helps 
me feel a little more connected to you. :)
You are truly the greatest girlfriend ever <3
I hope you know that :* :*

Some pictures from when I am bored around the house
and your letters <3<3

Awesome letters from you <3

little selfie ahha.

window view :)

window view :))

the hallway of a little apartment :)

I hope you dont mind that I didn't post the game up. I wasnt able to prepare it :P
That's for another day hehe ;)

Santa Clause Came to town!!!

So after spending my day in town with Lykke, her bf and his sister at Rost I checked the mailbox just because...
And there lies, not only one, but TWO nice packages addressed to David Sanjenis from England which I realized must have been for me!!! So I could not keep myself from opening it and I documented my discoveries:

 Excited about my gifts....
 What could it be......

WOW!!! Really? hehehehe


You are AWESOME!!! Such great gifts hunnie... 

Thank you so so so much for the gifts hunnie!!! Supercool! I love you <3

Let's have game nights when we come back home again! <3

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Star-Date: Apartment finally found!!!!

The happy two just finding out about a 2-room apartment on Liljansberget in Umeå. A beautiful area, 4th floor, NEXT TO THE UNIVERSITY, balcony...... Dreaming away tonight. ( ;) )
<3 <3 <3

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Happy Valentines babe!

Hope you'll have a great day and that we can Skype for a little in your morning! I am going to bed now but I'll attach a nice little cuddly movie filmed at least a year ago! See you in the morning!
I know I was making faces, but I enjoyed it, I swear!! ;)

<3 <3 <3

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

I was just going to go to Starbucks to study..

But Grandma showed me some mail and asked me what it was and I found out it was mine!
From you.. hehe... you sneaky sneaky sneaky sneaky sneaky. sneak :DDDD
I just opened the package and I thought I'd document my reactions haha..

Awwwww so niceeee <333
read me first huh? hmmmmmm :DD
reading, reading <3

cheese doodles... ;(( you're too awesome DDDDDD: <3

Sooo cuutteeeee <333333 woowww babbeee <3

Smells gooooodd <3 :)))
Such a cute little card, I loved the kiss on it <3
more good smells <3
Love these hand made cards :))))
smells like you tooo :)) awwww nice candies ^-^

this is coool :D I like this :)))

Wooooowww babe.. you've really done it this time. This is amazing. And I feel so special!!
And especially loved <3 I could tell you put a lot of time into this and I also can't help but feel like
I did not do enough this year for you on Valentine's Day yet. I have something coming your way
But it is for sure going to be late. And it's not this crafty..
I feel so appreciated <33
I'll make this Valentine's Day up to you, I should of sent something on time at least
Like a card, or some candy.. But I'm afraid I have not put the time yet
I don't want to make excuses about why I didn't
There is something coming for you, but I don't know when it will get there
Hopefully soon.
I wish I did something crafty for you as well
But I'll make it up to you! I promise <3

I love the Birthday card too and the combination of Birthday and Valentine's Day stuff :)
I can't wait to eat this candy! And the collage!! <3333 I got emotional.

I was planning to send you my shirt with my smell,
but my mom washed it before I could, I thought you would find that funny haha

I am so fortunate to have you in my life! <333
You're the best. the ABSOLUTE BEST <3 :)))
I love you so muchh <3

I promise I'll make it up not sending you anything on time and it'll be worth it <3
Just know I love you very very very very very much <3 <3
:)))) and you make me smile ALLL the time :))))

Thank you so much for making my Valentine's Day and Birthday special.
I wish I could be there to celebrate it with you too <3
You're been an awesome girlfriend while we've been a part too
I just want you to know that <3
I Love You <3

SALMIAKKKK CHOCOLATEEEE AHHHHH!!! (chocolate for vikings) yumms :)

p.s. Just so you don't think I didn't do anything,
(I'm going clarify this again because I feel bad)
Something is already coming for you
but I'm very sure it will not be there for sometime.. unfortunately.
But it is coming <3
Oh yeah something other than me.. Cause we know I'm coming already ;)

It's Time, Babe

So soon now. Can't wait for our lives to start for real, Together. Love you!


Tuesday, February 11, 2014

So.. you know me. I'm a little nerdy so I did a little nerdy research, for a little nerdy report for you.. ahha ;P

So today I came home from school, and usually I think about you through out the day.
Normal stuff right? And I thought.. man, it is just great to know that I have you in my life
And we were talking about the existence of God in class and I'm thinking,
I know the existence of you! Of Hanna! the person that I have wanted all my life exists!
And of course it is a little wacky to think about.. But then again I just came out of philosophy
soo this is the study of wisdom.. I guess wisdom makes you a little wacky sometimes haha

But I saw someone who was relatively your height, wore an outfit similar to one of yours
 and was about your height
And I walked to my car with the memory of you walking beside me.
It was such a nice experience being at a distance from you
(It was like the Starbucks experience)
I remembered the way you looked at a distance when we would walk toward each other
from the quad after you have recording and I would be coming from the computer lab.
The smile on your face and your height compare to mine 
and the way your eyes glistened when you look at me
It was really quite the romantic individual moment now that I think about it.
Well.. it's not individual because it involved you, even though you didn't experience it.
But it was a little neat phenomenon I experienced again.

I was missing you today too, which was probably why this happened of all days
Then I went home and I decided to do a little long distance relationship research
And I was wondering if they mentioned this phenomenon that I had, which they did not
I did not find much of it, but from what I read up this is what I learned about long distance relationships itself

It also made me think about when you said the other day it is harder to develop our relationship at a distance
But from this article a psychologist says:
"Indeed, our culture emphasizes being together physically and frequent face-to-face contact for close relationships, but long-distance relationships clearly stand against all these values. People don't have to be so pessimistic about long-distance romance," Jiang said in a journal news release. "The long-distance couples try harder than geographically close couples in communicating affection and intimacy, and their efforts do pay back."

From this quote it sounds like we're definitely doing something for our relationship right?
I mean think about it, what a commitment we're making to each other
It shows how mature we are too, it definitely shows the meaning of our relationship
to each other and that we're in this together
We're doing a beautiful thing <3 

Other article mentions about intimacy saying
"When you're not there with the person every day, you're not seeing their highs and lows, and you're not exposing them to your feelings," Whitbourne says." You can create an ideal image of your significant other which builds intimacy."

Which is interesting too because it means when you create this image of me, 
you have a strong idea of who I am
Instead of only loving me for who you see. This is the mental side of love.
It's quite interesting :)
It's sociology stuff I guess haha

So we are developing our relationship, maybe we don't see it right away
But when we see each other in person again after the next 3 weeks
It will definitely feel like we developed something.
They say relationships take work and it does
I believe it is worth it
The more we go through, the stronger we will be
That's how marriages are too! When you have kids it's supposed to make it harder
But if a married couple goes through it they're a stronger couple

So yeah here was my little romantic story of the day of you
and a little nerdy research haha :p

I love you <3
Happy Early Valentines Day! (seemed like the thing to say ;))

P.S. I thought about making part of this a letter thing, but
no way this could wait a week for a response ahah..


Friday, February 7, 2014

So I did my Macy's shopping today.

And I wish I had a few dollars left on my my gift card, at least 12. oh well.
Don't know if i should return any of this stuff.. I kind of like it ;)

I got red pants..
And a blue blazer. it kind of looks grey in the pictures though
but i like it haha.

Since I will probably work in the morning I thought I'd send you a blog before I go to bed. :)

Tonight I also went to Applebees and had a little happy hour time with Henry, Zack, Justin and Ryan.

It was pretty fun. :)
I think I'm going to bed now. I'm tired and my sleep schedule is a little messed up.

I'll skype you after work tomorrow though! :)
I hope you have a good day and enjoy my little blog :)

I love you!
Good night honey :* :*
<3 <3

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Banana-cash Chocolate Ice cream!

Made this delicious and easy snack tonight!

All u need is 
a banana

some dark chocolate
some chopped almonds
a freezer

-Just melt the chocolate, drizzle it over the cut banana-pieces and put some chopped almonds on top and put in the freezer for +-an hour. Done! Tastes sweet and super delicious!! Plus it's not the worst thing you could put in your mouth, if you ever feel like having some sweets. Nom Nom Nom :D

Other than that I am improving on the raw food even more, there's not much more to my evening. I watched Sweden's Super Chef on tv with my dad, and that was pretty fun as well :)
Crossing my fingers for you and your test today! You can do this :D


Sunday, January 26, 2014

Thoughts on a Sunday night..

So perhaps the picture is a few days old... but I like it.
I'm kind of saying: Hay Davey-Babe, wanna be over here in 10?
Cause I always want you to be over here in 10. Or at least 7 ;) I keep imagining our airport-meeting on March 9. That's what's holding me together the most. That image of you coming from that plane, perhaps a little weary from the ride, but also excited you are finally here... You are following the people going off the plane to this door that leads you into the tiniest little airport you ever saw, and there I'll stand, waiting for You. I keep imagining all the feelings rushing over me and how excited I will be to see that it's actually You standing there wondering where I am. And I'll try to get to you as soon as possible to give you the most dearest welcome! So that you will have a wonderful first night in Sweden, and because you are so crazy to have come such a long way.

I wanna take as good of a care of you as I possibly can, since I have gotten so lucky to become your gal in the first place.. I wanna cherish that to my very best. Cause it's you who are everything.
Everything to me.


Sweet Love


Monday, January 20, 2014

Today had a little theme of love. :*

So today had a kind of theme, the theme of love.
All three short stories i read were tragic romance stories.
However I have a good romantic story! I missed you extra much today because
you were tired and had to sleep. Which is okay! :) I guess I just miss you in general!

But after writing all day about tragic love. My uncle gives me these heart candies haha
And I thought of you so I thought I'd do a little bloggie :)
After a long day of tragic love, I get the resolution of my story knowing that I have a wonderful soulmate
Someone who loves me like I love her.
And someone who misses me and much as I miss her.
And I appreciate you so much and respect you <33
So I'm sorry for all the time i grabbed your butt in stores when you told me to stop <3

I love you Hanna <3
Hope your day rocks!

P.S. the stories didn't really inspire this too much.. I just felt like doing a little bloggie I guess
Miss you <3

Soo you can't see this but it says "Love you"

Sunday, January 19, 2014

My day!

Sooo today was a lot of waiting around... sort of, it was like on and off waiting
like flipping a switch on and off
today i woke up to get breakfast at dim sum
and keith didn't wait to go which is okay, because he'll go to the wedding.
And then I had another bratty moment and got angry with my mom because
she was trying to get me out of the house when it was time to go
and rushing me while i really wanted to get my tie tied right..
I think I have more bratty-spoiled moments when my darling is away haha :*
but it's unacceptable i know.. :p

Well then we got the place and i got hungry and you know how i get cranky..
so i insisted to get food.. and then we got food at this tiny fast food restaurant,
and it was gooooooodd :DD I got a chicken quesidilla and it was more than just
chicken, cheese, and tortilla, which is awesome! haha
Then I felt better.. and then we had the wedding ceremony
Which was really nice, I didnt take any pictures because I never feel like it
but I'll post my mom's pictures up whenever she puts them on her computer :)
so you can see how i look ;)
I didnt drink too much alcohol at the party, probably because i didn't have a drinking partner haha
And last time we had our drinking fun and this time i had no one haha
Soooo i drank more coffee, which is good too, but then i guess i mixed alcohol and coffee
in my belly which might not have been good.. maybe it's contributing to my headache now
or maybe i have a headache just cause it's late.. idk haha
People asked where you were at too, and i told them you went back home and that i'll be there soon! :)
I ordered steak at the country club and I was surprised to find that it wasn't good at all!
I was pretty disappointed about that.. The one time you made me steak, was way better haha.
And it wasn't just my steak like it was multiple steaks, so the chef wasn't on his "A" game. 
The wedding also had little photobooth and i wish you could of been there to take pictures with me
Anndddd! i have a little wedding rant! People were glass clinging and Gary and his wife Lillian were supposed to kiss
but they barely kissed at all! It was like a verrryyy veerrryyy Agape, friendship based love..
I was like thinking, they're probably not even going to have sex tonight!
But maybe they will, keith said maybe they like to be more personal about it, but then again
it's you're only first wedding. You can't do it again. I put myself in his shoes and I thought
mannnn, I'd be kissing you every time and lifting you up and stuff! hahaha
And then we came home

And then i talked to my uncle about discipline and like business management stuff, or just like
personal effectiveness as a person i guess. And he has his Ph.D in business management or something
and he taught me that it's best to research up-to-date stuff, because if it's out of date and you're
referencing off it, you're only getting a portion of it because writers often make new editions. 
So i got to get into the mind of a Ph.D person haha and we talked a long time
which is why I'm up at this hour writing you this nice blog.
And my aunt came to see what i was doing on my laptop and I got a chance to show you off
which is an opportunity I had been waiting for, because you're soooo amazing <33

I'm kind of nervous about writing my paper tomorrow I need it to be just as good as last weeks..
And I'm kind of awful at school now.. Tomorrow is a new day and I'm going to kick ass again!
I'll be in that mode :p

I miss you lots lots honey :*
We have less than 7 weeks left... and it'll definitely get easier and easier in the end
Because all this waiting turns to awesome excitement! <3
I'm tired now and i'll be posting a picture of me before I sleep for you

i was going to add a picture of my eyes rolled back and caption it zombie, but it was too scary.. tonight i'll be dreaming of the most beautiful woman in the world.. youu.. <3
Love you honey! <3


Saturday, January 18, 2014

The Not-much-post

(Accidentally wore my wet hair in a bun, these are the consequences.... )

So not much is going on... Spent the free part of my day baking a cake (which I only half-way finished before I had to go to work) and making lunch entirely vegan! But it was delicious still! Broccoli stir-fry with my secret spices hehe ;) And from 15.30 to 21.00 I was working... Nothing much exciting happening there. When I came home tonight I just watched the stupid "Awkward"-series and I'm not sure why I am still watching it. Along with my comfort macNcheese and some hot dogs I sat by the computer screen doing nothing in particular. Then I missed you alot. All I can do is either block thoughts of you out, of plan for when you come. I really wish my special David-baby was here right now to snuggle me cosy.

Hope you are having a great time with your family at the wedding!!!!

This heart of mine misses Yours. Oh so much.

<3 Hanna

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

HAPPY Wednesday-Girl!

Soo since I was in Sävar I decided to drop by the market to pick up my package before I went to Umeå, and THIS is what was in it!!! All super nice things I really like, and the starbucks-mug I wanted :D :D THANK YOU SO MUCH DAVID AND FAMILY FOR THESE LOVELY GIFTS!!! Made my day, obviously ;)

<3 Hanna

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

A normal day!

So I have a lot of these.. normal days.
But I'm feeling like I'm making progress with my physical health.
I lost a couple pounds.. I may actually be able to lose 10 pounds per month!
If I keep this up of course.
I'm getting used to my schedule. It is definitely a little weird..
Like I'm trying to balance out work and school.
And I'm not sure how much I have to work every night for school.
Sooooo it's a little scary as of now..
I also really want to make a bigger effort to practice Swedish everyday..
It's so important and I do not want to neglect it!

Must practice the habit: First Things First.

Lately I've been putting my physical health first because I believe if I treat the body good
it'll treat me good. So I'm making an effort to run everyday and I do feel good about myself
Guess it's all just a balancing act as of now.
I haven't been practicing much musical things except for singing Elvis songs.
I guess that counts.
However, music is in everything I do one way or anything..
I'm curious how these last months in California will be.
I'm hoping it'll be good. :)

I start work a little later so if you get home early, I'm going to wake up at 8am my time and maybe
we can skype? :D
Not sure when you get back home.. but if you let me know I'll try to skype you!
Or maybe we could skype after I'm back from school.
It'd just be nice to see you so lets plan it out <3

Hoping you're having a great day so far <33
Hope to see you soon Hanna <3

A Happier Birthday Girl

So my day kinda turned around after speaking with you. Up until then I was kinda sad and tired, but I had a good eve! I had a nice family-dinner with schnizel, potato wedges, green beans a salad and a nice home-made birthday cake as a dessert. I also got some nice gifts, 2 of which both you and I will benefit from. My mom gave me another excuviance face cream and a very nice shower-gel. My dad gave me a pop corn-machine (!!!) and a blender. From my moms bf I got a HM gift card. All very cool useful gifts that I need!

Now I have to hop into bed so I will have some energy to wake up tomorrow morning! Hope work goes fast, I'm feeling pretty done with the elderly home as I've mentioned before...

Hope your day is awesome! Thanks for coming on to talk to me in the morning!!

Love you.
<3 Hanna

Emo Birthday

...So my birthday didn't start out good. Got woken up at 10.45 by my work calling to ask if I could work tomorrow, and at the same time I realize that I overslept our conversation, what a loser I am!!

The weather's gray and rainy as usual and I only have a few hours to do all my city-errands and cook. I also woke up with a very sore throat which I never usually have, which implies I'm getting a cold... wow! This day is just gonna suck, I can feel it so bad.

Ohh well. That's all really.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

I won't be there right on 12..

My dearest love... I hope you have a great day!
And I hope this year is going to be a great year in your life.
I can't wait to see you and celebrate your birthday with you on Skype

Maybe I'll get a slice of cake because of you today! <3

You deserve to have an awesome day so go do something for yourself! :)
Treat yourself something nice! Maybe make yourself some nice pho! :)
I hope you have an eventful day :D And I can't wait to hear about how great your birthday went.

I love you so much Hanna <3
My Alskling <3
Happy Birthday! <3

Tjugo tre år!!
Grattis på födelsedagen Alskling <33

Monday, January 6, 2014

Was sleeping-destructive..

...So I decided to make you into a ginger:

 and me into a polar bear:

I am having a grand old time with this!! Hahahaha


Sunday, January 5, 2014

This is fact not fiction

Staying up cause I'm not sleepy at all and I'm feeling sad missing you. Hope you are having a great eve.

<3 Hanna

RANT: 16 hours later....

Lying in bed, totally depressed. I wanted to get my hours straight, but somehow I still woke up around 2 pm. What is wrong with me?? I was excited to finally get my hours back, and of course I wake up super late despite going to bed at 10 last night. I didn't think I needed an alarm cause when I got up at 4 I was rather energetic, but still went to bed just to try to wake up around 8. But I never even heard that alarm!! Now it's 3.30 pm and a fucking slush all over the ground outside due to the snow coming and going again due to higher temperatures, so being outside without rain boots (which I don't have) is a complete no-no, it's a coal mine of darkness outside and I am depressed. Life sucks pretty bad right now. I don't have any friends and no one in my family wants to hang either. Don't know what to do with my life.  Not excited about anything.

I'm sorry I missed our talk. I am sad you stayed up, cause obviously I didn't come on even though you stayed up until FOUR. Don't do that to yourself baby, it's not worth it. We can always talk in the morning instead. Miss you <3

Feeling your love from miles away

Sooo as I am waiting for you tonight
I decided to go through the draw of our things I'm collecting.
It's everything you ever given me, at least 90% of it.
I think I lost a little blue ribbon string looking thing sadly..
But I'm reading these wonderful sentimental notes you've given me
And I treasure our love so much.
And I treasure you
And what we have is the most important thing in the world to me
I love you so muchhh
so so so so so much <3
Your loving is all i need in the world <3

Made me sentimental <3