Sunday, March 10, 2019

Big Kisses of Appreciation!

Hello Hanna <3

I have been wanting to post for awhile. 
Lately I have been caught up in my own life: 
trying to be able to provide a little more for myself,
trying to gain more knowledge,
trying to lose a little bit of weight,
and the list goes on (but not too much ;)).

As you finished your first night shift, I missed you lots 
and I had been wondering where you might have been only to find out
that you had been working.

I appreciate you so much for all you do and I know all of this is
just temporary and that this time won't be for nothing.
I know you're working for us at the moment
and I am very thankful for it. There is no truer
love than that which comes from your heart and no
strong mind than the one inside you head that I know of.
I am constantly surprised by your love and your abilities.
For that, I am with no bounds very very lucky and motivated
by you.

I'm trying hard to push our path forward as well with
motivation from your love and willpower. I know we will
see each other soon and we'll see much better days together.

I love you always,

Daveyloba <3 <3

1 comment:

  1. David, what a wonderful post. I feel so loved by you and even though we are apart we have a goal together that will help us stay on course. I am in the moment of writing this taking a lunch break at work but I have to go back soon. I love you so much and I can’t wait for things to sort themselves out a little more. Big kisses ♥️
