I feel like I should be more goal-orientated during my break!
David's Weekly Goals:
-Beginning running or jogging 2 miles continuously 6 times a week
-Finish learning Moonlight Sonata on acoustic guitar(it's an easy version hehe)
-Practice piano scales and songs
-Maybe learn to sing a song a day vocally, lets see how day one goes for that or maybe every two days!
-Write a song or two this week :)
-Finish Swedish Grammar Book
-Wake up at 8 everyday and meditate :o
-Finish math homework before by wednesday!
-Mini Goals: No negative thinking and call Swedish Embassy ^-^
I think that should keep it simple in the life of David... haha
I'm thinking about going to mt.sac this week to check it out too, i already registered for it, and i'm probably going to talk to a counselor at citrus.. cause i strangely can't apply for either english 099 or 101 right now, it's weird...
I hope you start off your week great and meet your expectations my love! <3
That seems like a cool list ! :) Hope you get to fulfill it, honey :* <3