Tuesday, August 13, 2013


So we are getting in onto the last week of apart-ness and woooh I am feeling really exhausted with everything for right now! There is so much of running, stress and heavy lifting at work and then spending time with family and friends on the evenings... Not much rest for me!

But on another hand I'm excited to come back to my baby :) I'ma hunt you down and kiss you up first thing!!!!!!!! Tonight we are having dinner with my dad, his gf and my brothers and Bushie!

Another fun thing is that when I went to HM with Lykke yesterday I realized I heard Hanson on their store radio with a brand new song! It made me SO excited and proud of them, since they aren't very big here either! I think I'ma download the entire new album tonight and just make sure I can listen to it on the plane back.....


<3 Hanna

1 comment:

  1. Awww well that's great you're doing stuff, hopefully you get some rest though so you can do tons of fun stuff with more energy :))

    Thats fun i hope you have a good time tonight ^-^

    That's cool :)) you should download it so your plane ride will be much more fun when you're back haha :)

    Less than a week now! 6 days and however many hours in our time zones ^-^
