Sunday, August 11, 2013

Puss Puss :*

so i kind of finished writing a song, maybe, almost.. 
thought i would of recorded it tonight and showed you
 but i have a tough time staying on pitch and it's late ahha..
 maybe soon :) i think it's pretty neat :) if you want to just hear it despite the pitchiness 
and sometimes bad barring on guitar haha, i coouuuld show you, if you really want to hear,
 i dont think im going to work on it too much while im in san fransico,
 however i will bring a guitar who knows i'll do something haha,
 and i'll also have free wireless internet! :)
 so we can skype while im in the hotel for sure ^_^
 oh i miss you and i hope you have an awesome sunday :)
 and beginning of the week while i'm in san fran, i really hope we can stay in touch :) 

in the super steep streets of san fransico is where i'll miss you

yellow bug :*

I love youuu :))

1 comment:

  1. Haha you cutie :*
    I look forward to talking to you in the steep streets of San Fran! Hope you guys'll have a good drive! Love you!
    <3 Hanna
